Saturday, September 17, 2005

I Miss My Hair

Currently Listening To: BBC Radio 1
Stop rubbing my head, please. It's kind of weird to have people literally lining up to rub my head. Seriously.
I'm getting new glasses. These ones won't be broken, so I'll actually wear them. And my vision has gotten worse in the past 4 years. Hooray. I still have to clip the hefges in the yard. I wish I didn't. Why does my dad think I enjoy doing it? I don't know. Speaking of my dad, he wanted me to get some of those fucking emo glasses. It took about 10 minutes to explain to him what emo meant and why I simply cannot wear those glasses.

I just can't.

I think I'm gonna go clip. Clip hedges, that is. CLIP CLIP CLIP.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Podcast on open source geospatial
Web 2.0 Conference 2005 October 5-7, 2005, San Francisco, CA A podcast about geospatial stuff, with me and your host Howard Butler: "We discuss Open Source GIS , the Canadian government's role in supporting OGC ...