Sunday, September 04, 2005

So Much To Write About

Currently Listening To: Combat Baby by Metric
I could write a whole page's worth about the hurricane, but I won't. I will simply detail to you, my loyal readers, how I would get rid of all that debris left behind were I in charge. First, we build a catapult using some of the debris on the ground. Next, the remainder is catapulted into space. From there, it ceases to be our problem. It will fall forever in the infinite vacuum of space. Unless of course the trash happens to fall in such a path that it hits planet Schlorbia. Then the Schlorbians will attack with the force of a thousand dragons and we will all be screwed.

Fucking Schlorbians.

This of course leaves another problem unsolved: What to do with the Nawlins-ians and other assorted Leeziana-ites. Dig all the remaining buildings out of the ground and re-plant them in Nebraska or the desert part of Nevada, creating Newisiana. It will be an idealistic society, a utopia of sorts. Well, if it's in Nebraska, it will suck. Because no one likes Nebraska except for Nebraskinians and Nebraskanites. They're like emo kids. Not very well liked by those outside of their group.


Anonymous said...

I like Metric too, except that "Succexy" song is kind of stupid.
-Abby in NY

Clive Dangerously said...

AHHH! IT'S ABBY! Yesssssss.