Monday, July 04, 2005

Live 8. Eh.

Currently Watching: Monk

I want a car. I have no money. How should I go about getting money for my yellow with red highlights '74 AMC Gremlin? I know, I'll raise not money, but awareness for the fact that I want a car. I'll have a big ass concert! I'll be like, on stage, singing, and playing my guitar case, and I'll be like, "Wooo! I want.... a car!" And the hot back up singers will be like ,"Not just any car!" And I'll respond with a "No, not just any car... A yellow '74 AMC Gremlin..." And they'll be like "With red...." And then we'll all say "HIGHLIGHTS."

Sure, I still won't have a car, or any money, but people will be aware the I really want a car. The problem? There isn't a single person that doesn't knowI want a car. How do I know that? Because ever since teenagers could drive, they've all wanted their own car. My wanting a car is not a new concept. So, did you enjoy my little metaphor? Or did you not get it? Well, to sum it up, "Congrats Bono, people are still poor. Your concert did nothing at all. But it was nice of you to put a-ha on stage again. But still, people are still starving in Africa. Nice effort anyways, ASS."

EDIT: Okay, so it wasn't Bono's concert. But he's still an ass.

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