Friday, July 15, 2005

Out of Town-Ness

Currently Listening To: Let's Do This (Like Brutus) by Homestar Runner

So I am going out of town for a week. I won't be able to make any new posts- well, actually, I will, but since I already said I won't be able to, I can't, because it would be wrong to lie to the hard working American public. I hate it when people say they won't be able to post, yet they still do. I mean, either post or don't, but don't say one thing and do another you lying commie bastard.


Anonymous said...

Then this is a good time to leave you a comment...


Unknown said...

You're leaving? Jeez. And I just got back! Poo! Well, have fun, wherever you're going. Gah, since you're already probably gone, I'll have to say "I HOPE you HAD fun." Jeez.
