Tuesday, July 12, 2005

White House: Bush confident in Rove

Resisting... Urge.. to talk.. About political crap... HA. I beat it. I beat the urge to bore you to death with politics.

Mother charged after kids take turns in trunk
So does this make mailing your baby home from the hospital illegal, too? DAMN.

Girl Critical After Riding Disney's 'Tower Of Terror' Ride
Thus proving the joke about Disney World being a people trap run by a mouse to be, in fact, true.

Executed man's case re-opened
A lot of good that'll do. Guess what: he's dead! If he turns out he was innocent, HE WOULD STILL BE DEAD. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT=IRREVERSIBLE.


Toad734 said...

I didn't, couldn't help it

Clive Dangerously said...

Oy! Frog! I like your blog. Nice job. Keep up the fair work.